I do it, and I do it big. Here's to not forgetting about it.

Archive for November, 2014

Thanksgiving, Day 7

1. Provided that I don’t die of boredom on the elliptical, I’m thankful that I’m going to complete the challenge issued by one of the ministers.

2. The ability to go to church. There are many who wish to be able to worship in community with other Christians but are physically unable. I need to remember this when I am occasionally grumbling about one more thing on my to do list.

3. Prayer. I love that I don’t have to be at church to talk (and listen!) to the Lord.

4. Strangers. Most of them will remain that way, but I know God uses them in my life to help me grow, like in traffic and stuff.

5. Parents of my students. I am super blessed to work in a place where the vast majority of parents are invested in their children’s growth.

6. Workout gloves. Gotta protect the moneymakers.

7. The fact that I have to work fairly hard to maintain physical fitness. Some people seem like they can do whatever they want, which probably isn’t the case, but I know I can’t and appreciate it because it keeps me humble and driven.

8. The shape of my head. I can wear pretty much any style and it not be hilarious. Thanks again for the Caesarian, Mom!

9. Gas prices dropping!

10. Living a life that I don’t feel the need to escape from. So many people act a fool when they are out of work or away from home and seem absolutely miserable. It’s not my intent to judge others but dammit if you live in America and can afford to be bitching at a “Happy” Hour on a regular basis you should probably STFU and count your blessings.

That’s a wrap!


Thanksgiving, Day 6

1. Being a mixed kid. Not so much racially (though I do have some indigenous American and Indian up in there), but culturally. I think that experiencing both Black American and Jamaican cultures has helped me to be more open minded. Plus, two really legit Thanksgiving dinners.

2. Being the daughter of an immigrant. I come from awesome stock. Mommy came here after high school to make her life better, met my handsome dad and eventually had a really cute kid. Winning.

3. The academic calendar. I don’t think I can ever leave it. Lack of respect for educators notwithstanding, this girl needs an offseason. It helps me be stronger for the babies!

4. This boring ass elliptical. As I battle plantar fasciitis, it won’t allow me to be completely immobile.

5. The ability to blog while I’m on the boring ass elliptical.

6. The fact that my sport is so musical! I love the rhythm of my strokes, revolutions, and steps. It truly is beautiful!

7. Water. For drinkin’ and swimmin’.

8. Brooks. The running shoe people. My feet didn’t know love until they met the Glycerin and Adrenaline lines of shoes.

9. The fact that my mother is a runner. It is humbling that as she watched my love for running grow, she wanted to see what all the hype was. Now she curses the treadmill like I do! #roadrunners

10. Spin class with my evil Coachie. Fact: if you go to a legit spin class it will help your cycling.


Thanksgiving, Day 5

This music teacher is loath to toot her own horn, but looking over past entries in my blog reveals that I am pretty thankful throughout the year! I am using some of today’s post to highlight people about whom I’ve previously written. These people regularly challenge me to be the best Lady J I can be. Consider this somewhat of a “greatest hits” kind of entry. 🙂

1. Zoe. That is, Zoe Jane Volkswagen. You don’t realize the stress you put your car under until you try to make your legs/bicycle do the same thing.

2. Red FREAKING Rocket.

3. Regularity. I won’t elaborate.

4. The Sexiest Ironman Ever.

5. Proactiv Plus. My skin is so clear now; it seriously has been a Godsend! I don’t break out like I’m 15 anymore.

6. Give the patience and excellence in coaching award to this chick. Now.

7. My stupid battery life on my stupid phone. Legit first world problem here, but waiting until my contract is up to upgrade is proving to be a serious lesson in patience. Clearly, it’s a lesson I must need.

8. This woman is all up in my life and thus my blog. For reals.

9. My not so great eyesight. I remember when I was at piano camp in high school and we had communal bathrooms – I could take my glasses off and it’s like the germs weren’t even there!

10. Nothing less than a 10 for Lady J. Heh.


Shoutout Series: Adonis.

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that the life of Lady J falls fairly neatly into a few categories which often (if not always) interrelate: Music, Teaching, Triathlon, and Faith. All up in there are the people who make my world brighter. Ya girl has a very fulfilling life. I gots me Jesus, Beethoven, bricks, and a career that is only improving. Plus, I’m fine as hell. I am no ingrate – it would seem unfair to ask for more than I have.

And then…Adonis.

Giggles. Fluttering of eyelashes. Goofy ass smile. You guessed it – Adonis is the man in my life.

Typing that is freaking WEIRD. I had adjusted quite well to being fabulous and single. At 29, I’ve seen friends marry and divorce and think, man, imma just swim bike run teach and call it a day. Moreover, I don’t think it’s cute when otherwise intelligent and educated women go batshit over the prospect of being paired up with anything in pants. Ain’t nobody got time for all that. I’ve got a world to conquer and there’s no way in hell some joker is going to ruin all I have going for me. I’ve got Jesus and Daddy – I’m good on men, thanks. Therefore, I can only assume that the presence of Adonis in my life means that God is HILARIOUS.

Man, has this man got my attention. Busy introvert that I am, I make time to connect with my loved ones via Facebook or text and am not generally bothered that I don’t see them often. Adonis, however? I could see him every day. And it’s not even because he’s ridiculously handsome. Just like that, I have a new friend who wants to help me be my best.

It drives me NUTS that though he’s been in my life for such a short time, I would miss the hell out of his fine Greek ass if he weren’t there anymore. He brings me laughter, support, and the sweetest cuddles a Lady J could ask for. There’s nothing that I can’t discuss with him, which is incredibly freeing. Get this – I think his (proverbial) balls are bigger than mine – and my ovaries are freaking huge. You read my blog and you see how big I do it.

So, Lord. I suppose it’s possible that I could be doing it even bigger with someone amazing like Adonis at my side. Only You know why you’ve allowed him into my life. *giggles* I know what I hope the reason is! In the meantime, I am thankful for the time we are having together. How novel it is to be simultaneously delighted and humbled.

Tee hee. My Adonis. It is my hope and prayer that you are around helping Lady J do it for a long, long time.


Shoutout Series: Golden Throat

How God’s wonders never cease – my golden throated friend is a humble soprano. That’s like a little person playing center for a basketball team, or like a snowy day in Miami. It just doesn’t make sense. But Golden Throat makes it happen every day.

I met my dear Golden Throat 11 years ago at THE Florida State University. She was working on her Master’s when lil Lady J was working on her Bachelor’s and trying not to lose her damn mind. What a blessing it was in the madness of that environment to have someone like her praying for me and with me. Not unlike her boldness on the concert stage, she loves and witnesses for Christ unapologetically. How rare it is to have a true friend who practices the gentle rebuke of Galatians 6:

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (‭Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭1-2‬ NIV)

Not that Lady J ever sins, of course. But if it were to happen, I know Golden Throat would be on it like a champ.

It sucks, because I haven’t had the privilege of her face to face company since her lovely wedding in June 2009. No matter where life has taken us, I am confident that my sweet sister in Christ will always be in my life.

To Golden Throat. Thanks for helping Lady J to do it.


Shoutout Series: Prima!

Pree-muh. Spanish for “Best female cousin on the planet.” If you go to a Spanish-speaking country, however, a native speaker may tell you it just means “female cousin.” You and I know the truth.

My Prima is the daughter of my Daddy’s younger brother. We didn’t grow up in the same city and would only see each other on family holidays. She is 5 (and change) years my senior and it wasn’t until I was a teenager and she was one of those big college graduate people that we became besties. Y’all know. Chatting on AIM and ery’thang on the daily. We’s old.

It has been wonderful having my Prima to grow with and look up to. She’s much better than an older sister – I get an awesome auntie thrown in and no need to share my own amazing mother! Prima has been there to guide me through many of life’s rites of passage and helped me to become a stronger woman.

It’s awesome because while we have similar character, our temperaments are quite different. I’m the nice one, quite frankly. We can’t ever grow apart because I need her too much! Plus, she trains for Brazilian jiu-jitsu and I’m sure I will need her to kick someone’s ass for me in case I can’t outrun him/her.

To my Prima Fabulosa. I’m glad you are my family! Thanks for helping Lady J to do it.


Thanksgiving, Day 4

I fell asleep on the way TO Thanksgiving dinner and on the way FROM Thanksgiving dinner, so I missed my entry yesterday.

1. Other people who drive me around when I am tired. I’ve got so many people who still watch over my grown ass.

2. Second – and more – chances! I’m glad I was given one more day on earth to express how thankful I am for all of my blessings.

3. Grandma! My mom’s mother is the only grandparent I have left. I cherish her wisdom and sense of humor. I wish she could live forever!

4. My changing perspective on my weight and fitness. Ups and downs are to be expected and that kinda makes me human, not a failure.

5. My Garmin vivofit. It’s weird, I was already an active person when I bought it, but it really makes me want to move! I got one for my mother as well and it has also been another way for us to bond together. Especially when she beats me for steps for the day, heh.

6. Self-control. One of my favorite fruits of the Spirit. There are few things more empowering than saying “No” or “Not yet” and reaping the fruits.

7. Hats! I enjoy wearing my own, but I love wearing the ones worn by my grandmothers so faithfully as they serve(d) the Lord.

8. Family traditions. I am so blessed to have been born into a family that not only works together to keep traditions going but ensures that they are not kept blindly.

9. People that won’t give up on me even when I insist they should.

10. Waxed, flavored floss. Not sure why anyone would floss differently.


Shoutout Series: 3M

Heh. Bet you weren’t expecting this! You know Lady J loves to surprise people, tee hee.

To everyone else aside from 3M – the reason she likely wasn’t expecting this is because she was actually the first person to whom I dedicated a blog post. Long before I made the Shoutout Series an official thing, I felt the need to share with the world what a big deal she is.

Since I wrote about 3M 5 months ago, I’ve been honored to become even closer to her. As I take time this week to count my many blessings, I reflect upon on how she blesses me each day with her presence in my life. There’s not one day that goes by that she doesn’t inspire me to be a better person. She is one of my favorite people with whom to laugh – especially about my many frailties. There aren’t too many people in the world with whom I am comfortable being vulnerable, but I have a 3M in front of whom I can be my imperfect self.

To 3M – thanks for helping Lady J to do it. Not sure how I made it the first 28 without you. ❤️❤️❤️


Thanksgiving, Day 3

Lady J has a lot on her mind tonight! This set of 10 is coming pretty early…

1. Sleep. I am grateful for the opportunity to rest at regular intervals.

2. Waking up each morning. I am thankful for every day; it is a new chance to bring glory to God. I come up short each day but clearly I have work to do as He keeps allowing me to awaken.

3. The doctor. I hate this guy. It doesn’t matter which one it is. But I am thankful for both the means to see him and a large enough percentage of what he says not being crap.

4. My massage therapist. Love, love, love this man. He helps me heal from all the foolishness I ask of my body.

5. My hair stylist. I mean, just look at me. Enough said.

6. Florida weather. Yeah, it’s blazing in the summer and can be a *tad* uncomfortable, but between November and April I see those poor jokers north of us and am pretty sure I am here to stay.

7. Prayers not answered the way I want them to be. It is truly amazing to be able to look back on my life and see why God has closed certain doors for me.

8. The ability to pray in the first place. I’m so glad I serve a God who cares about the needs and wants of Lil Lady J!

9. Running skirts. Never are my legs simultaneously so productive and attractive.

10. Drugs. The legal kind that help my foot with how I abuse it. Heh. I just had a shot.


Thanksgiving, Day 2

1. My “good” students. They fill my life with love and laughter and remind me that I count for something.

2. My “bad” students. I try to fill their lives with love and laughter and remind them that they count for something. I am driven to become a more loving person for them and because of them. Can’t be mad at that, though I can be annoyed in the moment…

3. Facebook. It’s great to be able to stay in touch with the amazing people in my life with such ease. Also, it’s a fantastic outlet for my wit.

4. My blog! Recording my thoughts in this manner has helped me to see just how cyclical my life and moods really are. I find myself whining about whatever is happening and then can say, “Hey! I remember getting through that! I wrote it down.” Pretty nifty!

5. The piano. Aside from my parents, this is the longest relationship I’ve had. Only God knew at the time how important learning this instrument would be; from helping to fund my higher education to being able to play for family functions, the piano is kind of a big deal.

6. A healthy body. “Oh no, I have plantar fasciitis!” Shut up, self. I’m richly blessed.

7. An amazing family. Everyone who knows us marvels at how tightly-knit we are. I have a crazy amount of love in my life.

8. My cousin Megan! She’s like a big sister that I don’t have to share a Mom with. It’s awesome to have a best friend to whom you are related.

9. Dancing. One of my favorite ways to express joy.

10. Being alive. There was a time in my life that was very dark and I questioned if life was even worth living. I can’t imagine having missed all these blessings! I thank God for each new day.
